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garden gallery

Below you will find images taken by Tony Whitfield of gardens that have contributed to his thinking about the concepts and design of GARDEN UNDER BLUER SKIES over the last five years.

Walmer Castle Gardens, in Walmer, Kent, UK (Summer 2019)


 Jardin d’Orinet exhibition at Institut du monde arabe, Paris (2016)


Sissinghurst Castle Garden, at Sissinghurst in the Weald of Kent in England (2015)


Great Dixter is a house in Northiam, East Sussex, England with gardens designed by Christopher Lloyd (2019)


Hortus Botanicus, Amsterdam, The Netherlands established in 1638 (2019)


Derrick Jarman’s Prospect Cottage and the landscape of Dungenes in the UK. (2019)


Jardin des Plantes, Paris, France (2019)